BPARx Saver Card
Member ID:
Group #:
Customer Care Phone # 855-798-2538
Please present this card at the Pharmacy with a valid prescription.
Discounts are available exclusively through participating pharmacies. The range of the discounts will vary depending on the type of prescription and the pharmacy chosen. This program does not make payments directly to pharmacies. Members are required to pay for all prescription purchases. Cannot be used in conjunction with insurance. You may contact customer care anytime with questions or concerns, to cancel your registration, or to obtain further information. This program is administered by Medical Security Card Company, LLC, Tucson, AZ.
Pharmacy Help Desk (800) 404-1031
Pharmacy Details

Compare Prices. Choose Your Savings.

Enter Your Drug Name (Ex. Lipitor) :
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The following savings options requires contacting your prescribing doctor to review, approve and provide a new prescription. Although these options do require some basic procedures and effort on the part of you and your doctor, your potential savings can be substantial. Most members find it beneficial to secure the best pricing above for any immediate needs, then return to explore these options further for advanced savings.


Prescription Assistance Programs (PAPs) are run by pharmaceutical companies to aid qualifying individuals in receiving free or low-cost prescription medications. Most major drug companies have prescription assistance programs and name brand drugs that are often prescribed by doctors. Prescription assistance programs help people of all ages, including children. Some PAPs help people on Medicare, while others do not. Not all applicants will qualify and those eligible may not be approved for the pharmaceutical manufacturer's Prescription Assistance Program. To determine if you qualify, select “Request for Program” and complete the short application. One of our Customer Care Assistants will contact you within 24 hours. Your only cost is a low monthly PAP service fee.

PAP Service Fee : $400 (Total Cost Per Month)


Prescription prices may vary from pharmacy to pharmacy and are subject to change. The pricing estimates given are based on the most recent information available and may change based on when you actually fill your prescription at the pharmacy. The day supply is based upon the average dispensing patterns or the specific drug and strength. The Program, as well as the prices and the list of covered drugs, can be modified at any time without notice.


We understand the financial hardship high-priced medications can have on families. We created our Prescription Assistance Program to help ease some of that burden.

You will see a PAP notice prominently displayed only if it is available for that drug. To see if you qualify, select “Request for Program” and fill out the short application. One of our Customer Care Assistants will then contact you within 24 hours.

If you qualify, our Prescription Assistance Program can help you save hundreds or maybe thousands of dollars per year. There is no obligation to see if you qualify and the consultation is free, so you have nothing to lose by giving it a try.

With the BPArx Prescription Savings Card you can save up to 80% on prescription drugs! Once you have your card you can use it for your entire family as often as you like!
Powered by Rx Valet


   Pharmacy Help Desk 800-404-1031
   Customer Care # 855-798-2538